
How To Check whether Your Facebook Data was Leaked!

Facebook has taken upon itself to notify all the 87 million victims of Cambridge Analytica Scandal, whose data may have been leaked by creating a link at the top of their News Feed. In case you haven’t been able to spot the link at the top of your News Feed, you can visit this link and check… Continue reading How To Check whether Your Facebook Data was Leaked!


Instagram is handing YOUR LOCATION history to Facebook

By Josh Constine on Oct 4 This is sure to exacerbate fears that Facebook will further exploit Instagram now that its founders have resigned. Instagram has been spotted prototyping a new privacy setting that would allow it to share your location history with Facebook. That means your exact GPS coordinates collected by Instagram, even when… Continue reading Instagram is handing YOUR LOCATION history to Facebook


Can you believe Facebook or other platforms keep you safe?

By Devin Coldewey on Oct 1, 2018 Another day, another announcement from Facebook that it has failed to protect your personal information. Were you one of the 50 million (and likely far more, given the company’s graduated disclosure style) users whose accounts were completely exposed by a coding error in play for more than a… Continue reading Can you believe Facebook or other platforms keep you safe?