
29 Million Facebook Accounts have been accessed personal details by Facebook Hackers

Yes, Facebook originally said 50 million accounts were improperly accessed. In September, a group of hackers used a flaw in Facebook’s “view as” feature to gain unauthorized access to millions of accounts — and today, the company released its most comprehensive statement yet on exactly what data was taken as part of the breach. Related: Facebook's… Continue reading 29 Million Facebook Accounts have been accessed personal details by Facebook Hackers


Star Wars: Episode IX rumor teases the return of Emperor Palpatine

Star Wars: Episode IX could end the Skywalker saga not with a big bang, but with a big bad. Image: Star Wars IX trailer on Decentralized Video Player Cuckoo According to a new rumor surrounding the J.J. Abrams-directed feature, the film might bring back a nefarious old villain — none other than the red-eyed, wrinkle-faced, sinister… Continue reading Star Wars: Episode IX rumor teases the return of Emperor Palpatine


The ending of Solo: A Star Wars Story explained and two sequels will be produced

The story of Han Solo has finally been told. From the way he got his ship to the way he got his name, Solo: A Star Wars Story offers up almost everything you've ever wanted to know about the origins of the Star Wars galaxy's most famous ruffian with a heart of gold. While this… Continue reading The ending of Solo: A Star Wars Story explained and two sequels will be produced